NAVAL HOSPITAL Infermeria Autonoma Regia Marina
The plans of the hospital were presented in 1935. It was constructed by the Italian company Impressa Urban. The Hospital was named “Infermeria Autonoma Regia Marina”. It was an autonomous infirmary of the royal navy, with a capacity of 300 beds.
It was run by the comunita delle suore zelatrici del s cuore, (community of the zealot sisters of the sacred heart).
The hospital served the needs of the entire island. In the first semester of its operation, January – June 1936, it received 1,161 civilian for consultation.
A small Catholic church, with a belfry resembling the Torre Littorio towers, was constructed next to the hospital. Later on, the hospital gallery was constructed, with 150 beds and an operating room.
In 1943, the hospital was destroyed by merciless bombarding, and the services would be offered in the gallery.
Lieutenant Colonel Salvatore Saitta was the Chief of the hospital, and the surgeon was Major Repetto, who operated incessantly throughout the period of air siege…..
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